Exhibit #BC-M7
Lexington, Kentucky Sesquicentennial celebration Medal, 1775-1925
Year Made: 1947
Made By: C. Smith
This coin was created to commemorate the founding of Boonesborough in 1775.
Front of the Coin reads “Sesqui-Centennial Celebration June 4th Lexington, Kentucky 1775-1925” Reverse of the Coin reads “Lafayette Centennial Visit to Lexington 1825-1925” and “Ft. Boonesborough-Transylvania Colony 1775-1925”
Lexington, Kentucky Sesquicentennial celebration Medal, 1775-1925
Year Made: 1947
Made By: C. Smith
This coin was created to commemorate the founding of Boonesborough in 1775.
Front of the Coin reads “Sesqui-Centennial Celebration June 4th Lexington, Kentucky 1775-1925” Reverse of the Coin reads “Lafayette Centennial Visit to Lexington 1825-1925” and “Ft. Boonesborough-Transylvania Colony 1775-1925”